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Blake Anderson

Blake Anderson

Those hard-pressed for raucous humor can look no further than Blake Anderson to deliver the raunchy goods. Working since 2006 with his bro gang of fellow comedians Anders Holm, Adam DeVine, and Kyle Newacheck, Anderson doled out uncensored dick jokes for seven seasons of Workaholics on Comedy Central. The irreverent cult-hit about 3 stoner slackers who work together, towed the line of being the most purposely offensive, idiotically hilarious and brilliant comedy on television. Anderson, along with the trio, was co-creator and writer on the show in addition to starring in it. It turned him into one of the most recognizable comedic actors out there.


Beyond Workaholics, Anderson has also appeared in some of the most acclaimed modern-day comedy shows, including The Simpsons, Arrested Development, The Big Bang Theory, Parks & Recreation, Community, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Entourage, while also lending his voice to Voltron, The Jellies! plus the upcoming Adults Only and Tigtone The Series. Additionally the California-native found time to be the face of Dos Equis’ Cinco Equis campaign, launch the successful clothing brand TEENAGE, tour as a stand-up comic, and appear on the big screen in Dope, Neighbors, and Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse. The patron saint of Afro-stache’d slackers sure can wear many hats. Following the end of Workaholics in 2017, the four comrades recently reunited for the Netflix action-comedy Game Over, Man! this past March. The hit flick (produced by Seth Rogen) is quintessentially Die Hard meets Workaholics, with Anderson’s signature afro converted to a man bun as he battles terrorists in a hotel. After over a decade of predominantly working with his Workaholics trio, Anderson is prepared to go solo--the dog’s off the leash and ready to be set loose in the street.

We ask Blake about what’s coming next, what it’s like working without his best bros, and if he’d ever take on a serious role. The game is far from over.


After over a decade together, how has the comedy between the 4 of you evolved and in what ways do you feel your own sense of humor has changed over the years?

I don’t think our humor has evolved, like at all, ever since we kids actually… truly we have been making weiner and butt jokes since forever. If anything, the secret of our comedy is de-evolution.

Any chance Workaholics would be made into a feature film?

I never say never. It would have to be something we discussed with Comedy Central cause they own the rights I believe but I'll tell you what, GAME OVER, MAN! on Netflix is the next best thing. If you like Workaholics you'll love GOM (GOM is what cool kids call Game Over, Man for short).

Most importantly, will there ever be more Wizard Raps?!

WOW. I’d have to open a magic portal and ask them because me and the dudes ARE NOT The Wizards, those are our homies from another realm… with that said it would be cool to make a cartoon with them…

It’s important not to get too comfortable as an artist—there has to be something at stake that keeps one growing. What for you is at stake when you act / write?

My hair. My hair is at stake. As soon as I become lazy or complacent I’m shaving that shit.

Tell me about Spy Intervention!

Spy Intervention is a lil Indie film I did in upstate NY. It's about a spy who’s trying to get out of the game but the game keeps pulling him back.

You got to reunite with the gang for Game Over, what’s your favorite part of working with those guys?

Honestly I love everything. We are just so comfortable together. We’re best friends. Anytime you can have that kind of chemistry flowing on a comedy set I think you're gonna get a killer product.

Adam goes full frontal, which one of you wrote that scene into the script? I can only imagine the discussions around the scene! Would you ever do a nude scene?

That scene was in the movie from the start but we never really discussed how it would be shot. I always just assumed Adam would do it because he’s a mother fuckin gangster, but with something like that, you really don’t want to pressure somebody into it, ya know? Would I go nude…. Maybe for a comedic sextape.

Who’s idea was it to kill Steve O and who would’ve been the backup actor to get the axe if Steve didn’t sign on to the movie?

Getting Steve-O and Party Boy for the movie was a dream come true. The Jackass movies are still the funniest movies ever made in my opinion and Wild Boys is absolutely legendary. If we couldn’t get them I think we would have just canned the film.


After 7 seasons was it hard letting go of Workaholics or were you ready for something new?

I think we were ready to take the next step. The goal has always been to do movie together. Though it was definitely sad saying bye to the cast, the crew and the writers. I will love them all forever.

How do you approach writing a scene if you disagree with something one of them have written?

You gotta be able to take criticism in this industry. People only give notes because they are trying to make the product better. The goal is to put the best show or movie on the screen so I try never to take anything personal and hopefully the people you are working with don’t either.

At what point did it occur to you that comedy was your jam? Did it come naturally for you or is it something you had to hone and craft over time?


Super early. I was always a goofball but I think it all clicked in junior high when I did Improv for the first time in front of my class and when they were laughing I was like, “oh shit, I’ve got em!” and everything they were laughing at was coming from me! My brain! That’s when I figured it out.

What’s the scoop with Tigtone?

I’m so hyped for TIGTONE!!! Its an Adult Swim cartoon that’s coming out next year. I produced it, helped write it, and did some voices. It's really the brainchild of these dudes I saw on YouTube though. It's just a crazy fantasy show unlike anything you’ve ever seen!

Is it going to be a difficult adjustment working with a totally new cast after working so often and consistently with your best friends?

It was actually pretty fun to step on a new set. Its really educational because it’s the same and yet TOTALLY different. Also whenever I go work on other shows it really makes me realize how cool the opportunity of working with my best friends really is.

Who/what are some people or things that have inspired you and are there any artists that you feel have really shaped you or trickled into your craft?

I love being a sponge. I try to absorb as much as possible. Comedians have been shaping me my whole life. I get inspiration from anybody who comes with an original voice.

Any plans in the near future to do stand-up comedy?

Nah. Stand-up takes guts and you gotta have something to say. You can't half ass it. If I was going to do it id have to dive all the way into the deep end.


When you’re having a rough, dark day and you have to go to set and create comedy, is it hard to be funny if you’re sad or is it like a light switch that can flipped on?

It can be tough for sure but then you realize, as a comedian, it's literally your job to make people laugh, to bust THEM out of that mood that you might be in. It’s dope, you are seriously spreading happiness and joy into the world.

Do you see yourself ever doing a real serious dramatic role?

Hell yes. Comedy is forever my love, but I'm willing to try and cry on camera.

What experiences in the last year have you found disarming, whether professionally or personally?

Anytime I hear about nuclear war or Antarctica melting I get a little shook. Like what the fuck is the point. But we ain't here for a long time, just a good time… right? We’re all on the same team, man! We got this one world, lets make it an awesome place for these kids to play in!

How have you adjusted to being single again, especially now that you’re a single and a dad?

That’s a deep one we might need a whole nother interview for that. Lets just say, I'm a Pisces.

What is the best part of doing what you do?

Making people laugh. Making people happy. Also getting bought drinks at bars when people recognize me.

Photographer: Sela Shiloni
Writer: Heather Seidler

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